Home Research Coaching Surveys Coaching for the 21st Century

Coaching for the 21st Century

16 min read

Why focus on coaching?

Coaching is widely regarded as a potent development force.
De Meuse and Dai (2009), in examining research on coaching effectiveness, reported that in one study 96% of organizations saw individual performances improve after they introduced coaching. Nearly as many (92%) also reported improvements in leadership and management effectiveness (Coaching Counts 2007). In another study, 77% of the respondents indicated that coaching had a significant or very significant impact on at least one of nine business measures. Productivity (60%) and employee satisfaction (53%) were cited as being most improved by the coaching (Anderson 2001).

Clearly, coaching makes a difference. To sustain and deepen this impact in the new business era, coaches must refine and continue to build their repertoire.

What are the current coaching themes?

Businesses expect their senior leaders to activate strategy by motivating and managing their teams, peers, and partners to achieve results through others rather than through individual contributions. The coaches surveyed reflect the importance —and the challenge—of this leadership imperative; responses identified interpersonal and communication skills such as influence, listening, and empathy as key coaching topics across all levels of leadership. Self-awareness, a topic identified in research as crucial yet frequently a derailer, ranks high for all leaders and is at the top of the list for C-suite leaders.

Which leadership challenges are being coached most often?
Our coaches indicated the following as the top 10 most frequent coaching topics by level of leader:

C-Suite Level


Interpersonal relationships, listening skills, empathy


Leading during times of change

Communication skills

Motivation and engagement, leading with vision and purpose

Building effective teams

Strategy and strategic thinking

Working with uncertainty and ambiguity, decision skills

Mentoring, developing internal talent, succession

Business Unit Leader (SVP, VP)

Interpersonal relationships, listening skills, empathy



Communication skills

Motivation and engagement

Building effective teams

Mentoring, developing internal talent, succession

Delegation, empowerment

Leading during times of change

Working with uncertainty and ambiguity, decision skills

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