Home Concepts Adult Development Leadership in the Four Generation Workplace

Leadership in the Four Generation Workplace

7 min read

What approaches can we use in managing people?

Leaders have long-considered the influences of behavioral styles, company culture and urgency as they made decisions about their approach to communication in the workplace. Now we add to the mix–factors relating to generational differences.

The Silent Generation
 Approach to feedback: “No news is good news.”
 Respond well to a traditional classroom environment and to lectures and presentations given by experts.
 Respond best to language that is logical and non-emotional
 Like information that is organized, well researched and supported by facts, figures, details and examples.
 To motivate Traditionalists: let them know their experience is valued and provide stability and security where possible.

Baby Boomers
 Want feedback once a year and lots of documentation.
 Enjoy a more casual training atmosphere and prefer a more participative, interactive format.
 Want to be rewarded personally and publicly for the many long hours that they give to their work.
 See information and education as rewards.
 Buy books, videos, self-help guides and audiotapes they can listen to on their commutes.
 Boomers like in-person meetings and like to be in control of the message.
 To motivate a Boomer: promote and support lifelong learning, give them public recognition, and provide visible perks

Gen Xers
 Need a lot of positive feedback—frequently—to let them know they’re on the right track.
 Are far more comfortable learning from a computer than the older generations.
 Like role-playing and appreciate the opportunity to practice their skills and get feedback and coaching on the spot.
 Don’t expect to control messages. Expect moderated discussion.
 Messages need to be meaningful, personal and up-to-date.
 Don’t want one-way communication from authorities. Want to interact, add their own insights and be a participant, not a passive listener.
 To Motivate Gen Xers: Support them in staying on the forefront of technology, adopt a management style that promotes honesty and integrity, and provide continuous training, and opportunities to work with a diverse group in a team setting.

 Want instantaneous and constant feedback.
 Used to praise and may mistake silence for disapproval.
 Wants to let everyone have a voice–the Wikipedia generation: Everyone has something to add.
 Won’t accept “my way or the highway” approach—they’ll take the highway.
 Hate to be talked down to or told what to think.
 Will use technology to “tune out.”

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