Home Concepts Adult Development Leadership in the Four Generation Workplace

Leadership in the Four Generation Workplace

7 min read

What’s NEXT?

 Notice who they are and how they respond
 Experiment with your approaches and responses to each generation
 eXtrapolate to future behaviors and choices
 Transition to new ways of relating to the generations

What Does the Future Hold?

 What will a Gen Y world look like?
 Will Gen Z tolerate it?
 Who is going to retire and when?
 What about the “brain drain”?
 How important are new models of leadership?
 Where will technology take us?
 Look to the past to predict the future.

How can you find out more?

I would encourage you to apply a coaching style of leadership and ask those powerful questions, listen for values and patterns and try some new approaches with your staff. Be curious about what comes up.  Create what I call “risk-free experiments” and be open to whatever the results teach you. This topic is addressed in a workshop which can be delivered in a half-day or full-day format, or virtually in a series of TeleForums. We have had enthusiastic response and feedback from our workshops and keynote presentations on multi-generational issues.

Copyright 2008, 2010 by Judith F. Feld–All Rights Reserved

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