So, I declare a hundred a hundred year war on Fundamentalism and invite others to join me. I’ll start by admitting my own Fundamentalist beliefs and making fun of them wherever I can. Then, I’ll stop sleeping on airplanes so I can keep an eye on my fellow passengers. I’ll tell my representatives in Congress what I want, and write letters to the editor. I’ll stop avoiding Dialogue with my Fundamentalist friends and practice telling my truth in a compassionate and serious way. I’ll create a training program called Fundamentalism for Fundamentalists and invite everyone. I’ll support my government to destroy the Taliban and others like them. I’ll acknowledge what’s wrong and cruel about United States policies without giving up my love and commitment to my country and to maintaining our standard of living. I’ll remember with my native American friends that today is a good day to die and what whatever time I’ve had here has been a miracle. I’ll study Islam and appreciate what’s wonderful about it. I’ll enlist others to declare their own war on Fundamentalism and accept that this will take a hundred years.
I won’t believe in any belief , however good, that sets itself above others, refuses to allow the viability of other points of view, that considers itself to be the only way that God can be expressed and that induces violence.
Charles E. Smith Ph.D copyright@2002
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