The Science of Work-Life Balance Coaching
Work-life balance is important for our clients to achieve because the “life” part of the equation is the support environment for the “work” part.
Work-life balance is important for our clients to achieve because the “life” part of the equation is the support environment for the “work” part.
This article explores the potential for detrimental consequences and inappropriateness of imposing mandatory 'supervision' on coaching practitioners, versus the established mentor coach approach.
We do not spend enough time teaching leaders what to stop. Half of the leaders I have met don’t need to learn what to do. They need to learn what to stop.
The higher up you go in your organization, the more you need to make other people winners and not make your job about winning yourself.
An easy habit for people who like to win to fall into, and a surefire shortcut for killing conversations, is to start a sentence with “no,” “but,” or “however”
I’m a little skeptical of self-diagnosis. Most people tend to overestimate their strengths and overrate their weaknesses.
The higher up you go in the organization, the more your problems are behavioral. You’re smart, you’re up-to-date, you know the technical aspects of your job, but often you may lack some important people skills and it’s hindering your success.
It is extremely difficult for successful people to listen to other people tell them something that they already know without communicating somehow that (a) they already knew it and (b) they know a better way.
Professional coaching is a relatively young calling. It’s still evolving. Since the early days of what we might refer to as modern coaching, there has been an ongoing dance between the energies of purism and realism. The energy of purism in coaching has been well represented by those dedicated souls who worked long and debated hard to: define what exactly …
Practiced consistently, the method will show you where your strengths lie and will also show what you are doing or failing to do that deprives you of the full benefits of your strengths.
Janet Locane: Thanks...