Home Tools and Applications Career Coaching The Disappointing Futility of Perfectionism

The Disappointing Futility of Perfectionism

2 min read


Why Your Inner ‘Prosecutor’ Doesn’t Really Know What’s Best, and How to Shut It Up

How do you talk to yourself?

Are you encouraging or critical? Is your opinion of what you’ve accomplished ever ‘good enough’ or is it never enough?

Do you feel shame and anxiety at the thought of showing your work, or do you know to protect it while it is in development so that you don’t share it prematurely or indiscriminately, and first share it for the feedback and encouragement of a knowledgeable peer or mentor?

In a word, are you self-constructive or self-destructive in your creative pursuits?

If you are the later, chances are you never received (or saw modeled) the kind of support and encouragement that would allow you to make mistakes and learn from them. Instead, you were indoctrinated at some point into the toxic cult of perfectionism.

Time to break away and deprogram that shit.

‘Deprogramming’ is exactly what getting off the path of perfectionistic, ego-driven self-paralysis and onto the path of excellence will take. By catching and changing your self-talk, you begin to rewire your brain. I’m sure I won’t be the first to tell you that this has been empirically proven.

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