Home Tools and Applications Developmental Coaching You Don’t Bring Just Your Head to Work

You Don’t Bring Just Your Head to Work

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To increase capacity however, the structure of the cup must change, in all the ways structure shows up.

So, how does structure show up? New Ventures West developed an Integral Coaching model called the Six Streams to assess clients’ emotional, physical, relational, cognitive, spiritual, and integrated aspects of their lives. These ‘streams’ are all important elements of structure.

Similarly, the Wilbur Quadrant Model of Integral Coaching considers clients’:

⦁ internal beliefs, values, emotions, and insights;
⦁ external behaviors, communication practices, and actions;
⦁ relationships, collective culture, and values;
⦁ systems, technology, and environment

to identify how structure of interpretation plays out in all corners of life. These are just two of several frameworks for assessing and working with the structure that shapes how we and our clients interpret and engage with the world.

To build capacity, we consider what—in each of these areas—will enable someone to step into the new way of being, and doing, to which they aspire. This may start with a narrative or goal statement that mentally defines the direction of development. For the development to be transformative vertically, however, it needs to engage more than the head alone.

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