Home Tools and Applications Executive Coaching Executive Coaches Share Openly and Unselfishly: Dynamic Panel Discussion at ICF Annual Conference 2003

Executive Coaches Share Openly and Unselfishly: Dynamic Panel Discussion at ICF Annual Conference 2003

81 min read

Bill: I represent the other extreme. I would rarely work for less than two hours at a time. Recently I have been doing something quite different and I invite you to try it. In recent years, when people want me to coach I say I’m sorry I need more time at home and am a bit tired of traveling. A few months ago, one of the people said: “Well why don’t I come up to your home” I’m fortunate to live in a beautiful area–right on the Atlantic Ocean in the state of Maine. There’s a lovely inn near my home. My client traveled to Maine and met with me at this inn for three days. I am now rather frequently offering this type of coaching. I coach my client for two hours and then they go out for three or four hours to ponder, reflect, and even write a bit. We then come back together and I coach them for another two hours. We do that over a period of three days and it’s been amazing. Sometimes we’re sitting on the rocks down by the ocean or we are walking through the woods. Remarkably, the clients I engage in this manner are usually the busiest. They have absolutely no time for anything like this and they’re all saying: “Sure I’ll come up for three days.” It’s really quite remarkable. I’m still trying to figure out what is attracting them to this coaching option. I think it has something to do with finding a bit of sanctuary in their busy lives. We’re scheduling about six sessions and my clients do an enormous amount of work between sessions.

Klaus: Listening to what you just said, Bill, reminds me of what I sometimes do. I go with my clients for a walk and when you ask top executives to go with you for a walk, they kind of give you a strange look first–what’s that about? This is business—it has to be in an office behind a desk or at a table, but once they went through the experience and probably all of you guys know, we sometimes have the best conversations when we go for walks. Because the body is moving, the thoughts are moving and this is what I’m just using. I just tried it a few times last year and it has worked and since then I have done it more often and got very positive feedback from the clients. First of all, there’s resistance, so just try it, go for walks.

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