Home Tools and Applications Feedback Assessing Resilience: The Resilience at Work Assessment (RAWA)

Assessing Resilience: The Resilience at Work Assessment (RAWA)

7 min read

To date, more than 2000 leaders have taken the Resilience at Work Assessment.  The most important findings that we have gathered from our work thus far have been the resilience attributes that contribute most to a leader’s resilience.  Those three attributes are: Future-Minded, Purposeful and Collaborative.  It reinforces for us that the most resilient leaders are those who look to the future, see their work as part of a bigger endeavor and are comfortable collaborating with others to move into the future.  We have also found that the older and more educated the leader is, the more likely they will deal with setbacks with a positive mindset and ultimately, be more resilient.

Lisa had taken the Resilience at Work Assessment earlier and was working with a coach.  After she received the feedback about her behavior with her team, she and her coach took out the RAWA and re-identified her resilience attributes.  She is naturally optimistic, purposeful and able to reframe situations.  Being collaborative, while not a weakness, was not as well developed as her primary strengths.  She developed a plan with her coach to meet this challenge head on by meeting with her direct reports and ask them for feedback on how she was doing in being responsive to them.  She shared her purpose to help the organization be successful and her optimism that if they all worked together, they would do well.  She told her new manager that she was going to dedicate herself to building a more cohesive team by regularly asking for feedback.

After a couple of months, one of Lisa’s direct reports left the company.  In her exit interview, the direct report stated that she loved working for Lisa the past few months but other circumstances required her to leave the company. While Lisa feels she is still a work in progress, she is more confident that she is on the right path. She found the feedback she received from the RAWA and her coach contributed greatly to her new found success.

More information about the Resilience at Work Assessment can be found at www.sloanleaders.com.



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