Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires Identifying Resilience Attributes in Adolescents Using the Youth Resilience Assessment

Identifying Resilience Attributes in Adolescents Using the Youth Resilience Assessment

15 min read

The table below shows the attribute alphas separated by domain:

Factor Domain Attribute Cronbach’s Alpha
4 Self Achievement Oriented 0.73
7 Self Goal Oriented 0.78
11 Self Optimism 0.71
12 Self Self-Awareness 0.82
1 Others Helping 0.88
2 Others Collaborative 0.87
3 Others Social Connection 0.86
10 Others Accepting 0.75
5 Environment Purposeful 0.82
6 Environment Perseverant 0.78
8 Environment Future Minded 0.78
9 Environment Reframing 0.72


Finally, a principal component factor analysis was applied to these 12 remaining attributes/variables, with the goal of determining whether underlying factors were evident in the survey instrument. The proportion of item variance accounted for can be seen in the “Proportion Var” row in the table below. The 12 factors accounted for 69% of the cumulative variance, which suggested that the 12 attributes actually were a valid and useful measure of the level of resilience in each individual assessed with the Youth Resilience Assessment.

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