Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires Identifying Resilience Attributes in Adolescents Using the Youth Resilience Assessment

Identifying Resilience Attributes in Adolescents Using the Youth Resilience Assessment

15 min read

The youth coach partners with the client to incorporate these social connection skills into the coaching by asking questions and providing accountability.

This is just one example as to how the results of the Youth Resilience Assessment can facilitate growth in the adolescent coaching client. In Lemonade (Graham, Cuthbert, Sloan 2012), there are strategies that can be adapted for use with the adolescent coaching client for most of the attributes measured by the Youth Resilience Assessment.

Limitations and Further Research

The results of the pilot study of the Youth Resilience Assessment are preliminary.  The respondents were eighth graders in a suburban private school.  The normative behavior of these young teens may not accurately reflect the norms of older teens or teens from diverse backgrounds.  Use of this assessment with these other populations will yield more robust results that can be applicable to more adolescents.


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