When using online 360 assessment in support of leadership coaching, our approach is to collaborate with key stakeholders to determine the leadership competencies that are most relevant for the coaching initiative. This enables us to customize a 360 assessment that best meets the needs of the coachee and the organization.
Human Resource Optimization
A common adage is that people are an organization’s most valuable resource. As such, many organizations spend a lot of time and money on development. When time and money are appropriately focused, the return on investment is visible to key stakeholders. Something that is becoming increasingly evident is that the return on investment for development is likely to pay off most when the competencies that are important for success in a role align with an individual’s natural wiring. This concept was described by the team at Paradigm Personality Labs and is aptly named Human Resource Optimization (HRO).
When people engage in behaviors that are naturally supported by their personality traits, they tend to get energized and feel good about the work. When an individual needs to improve their effectiveness in a given competency, it is easier to improve and takes less energy, if that individual’s personality traits naturally support the competency in question. For example, if someone is naturally conceptual and enjoys complexity, they are more likely to experience success in developing competence in strategic thinking than someone who generates pragmatic ideas and understands the world through the details.
When an individual’s natural trait energy is not aligned with the requirements of a competency, rather than putting a lot of energy into development, it may be worth exploring a compensatory strategy. An example of a compensatory strategy for a leader who is not naturally strategic might be to enlist team support to generate out-of-the-box ideas when a novel solution is required.
The application of HRO is built into a unique WorkPlace assessment report called the Trait Capacitor report. This report provides information about an individual’s trait energy in relation to competencies selected from a competency library. The report leverages research on the five factor model of personality to provide a trait energy rating for each competency selected. This unique report enables one to quickly ascertain the extent to which an individual has natural energy to perform a competency. When combined with the online WorkPlace Performance 360 report, we have access to trait energy information and performance data, enabling us to have informed conversations about which HRO strategy makes the most sense.
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