Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

18 min read

About Your Sensitizer Results

We hope completing the Sensitizer provided you with insight into your patterns of system behavior.  System leadership requires flexibility and the ability to respond effectively to the unique opportunities of each situation we face.  Being high on one aspect of these dimensions and low on its opposing tendency may indicate areas where greater flexibility is needed.  Your Sensitizer summary scores point the compass in the direction of which areas you may need to work on to be a more effective leader.

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The Power Lab is a practice field designed specifically to deal with these dimensions.  It is a learning environment in which you are guided by expert coaches who encourage you to go beyond your usual patterns and to test out behaviors that produce more powerful results — for you and for the systems of which you’re a part.

Photo Credit: Charles Smith


Following are links to other articles in this issue of Transformation:

Gary Clarke: The Invulnerability of Being Vulnerable


Marilyn Smith: Add Vulnerability to a Results-Oriented Enterprise and Produce Extraordinary Outcomes


Meaghan Smith: Vulnerability


David Norris and Charles Smith: Work and Love


Frank White: The Overview Effect and the Camelot Effect


William Bergquist: Tippy Organizations and Leadership: Engaging an Organizational World of Vulnerability



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