Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires The VUCA-Plus Environmental Inventory

The VUCA-Plus Environmental Inventory

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Included in this document are a sample of items from The VUCA Plus Inventory. The full inventory in printed form (along with score key, score range and an interprative essay) can be purchased at the following site:https://psychology.edu/product/vuca-plus-environmental-inventory/ 

This  inventory enables you to determine the extent to which six environmental elements (and challenges) are present in your and/or your client’s work and life: (1) volatility, (2) uncertainty, (3) complexity, (4) ambiguity, (5) turbulence and (6) contradictions.

A pdf copy of the copyrighted VUCA-Plus Environmental Inventory is available by clicking on the “Download” button. This inventory can be used, without charge, in work with individual coaching and consulting clients. Any use of this inventory with more than a single client must be approved by its author, William Bergquist (bill@psychology.edu).

If this inventory is to be given to any size group (more than 8), then we recommend that distribution, scoring and analysis of results from this inventory be managed by Dr. Bergquist and his Center for Personal and Organizational Assessment. The Center has prepared a digital version of this inventory (using Survey Monkey) that can be provided as a link to any number of people. The results can readily be produced by the Center and sent to you. A nominal charge will be assigned for the center’s work on this project. Furthermore, results will be retained by the Center and added to its growing data base (thus enabling you to compare results that you have obtained with those from the larger data base).

We have published a summary description of VUCA-Plus . This summary document also addresses related matters regarding management of the anxiety associated with each element of VUCA-Plus–as well as establishing the appropriate containers in which to address the VUCA-Plus challenges.

The full inventory in printed form (along with score key, score range and an interprative essay) can be purchased at the following site:https://psychology.edu/product/vuca-plus-environmental-inventory/ 

A catalogue of other inventories published by the Center for Personal and Organizational Assessment can be accessed through the following link: CPOA Catalogue


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