Home Concepts Communication 13 Steps to Communicating a Strategic Plan to Employees

13 Steps to Communicating a Strategic Plan to Employees

6 min read

12) Allow them to ask you questions. Often times this model puts you as the leader on a pedestal, which is not the leader of today. So be careful about showing up as the leader with all the answers.

13) Reinforce Communication Strategy on regular intervals and in different ways:

a) Ask them to each meet with their managers about the details and implications of how they do their work within the firm.

b) Provide a report card monthly on how the company and or area is doing against the plan.

c) Provide employee reviews that directly connect back to the plan

d) Tie compensation back to the success of the plan.

e) Include connections in the company newsletter or intranet blog about successes and challenges associated with the plan

f) Put up a communication board or measurement graphic that will keep everyone connected back to the plan and be explicit.

g) Use infographics to present information back to employees

h) Hold quarterly employee meetings live or by video if you are challenged geographically and reconnect everyone back to the plan.

i) Use walls and screen savers to propagate company values and mission regularly.

j) Use electronic score board on video monitors throughout organization.

k) Use metaphorical premiums that can represent the over-arching vision.

If you use some or all of these steps in your communication strategy you will reduce resistance and increase the likelihood of success in your favor.

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