Home Tools and Applications Leadership Coaching Section Three: Leadership Development and Coaching in Organizations

Section Three: Leadership Development and Coaching in Organizations

7 min read

Leadership Development and Coaching

Two written essays are provided that provide a foundation for considering the effective interplay of coaching and leadership development programs. A third document is an interview with two senior coaches and consultants from Southeast Asia who offer a cross-cultural perspective on coaching and leadership development.

Organizational Coaching and Professional Development: A Valuable Partnership

This first essay provides a description and analysis of all seven strategies that were just identified as well as eight principles related to the effectiveness of organizational coaching as a complement to leadership training and education programs.

Leadership Development and Multi-Source Feedback

Multi-source assessment is about expanding the perspective of an employee regarding her own performance. It is also about broadening the base of an assessment and hopefully improving the validity of data gathered about an employee’s performance. This performance appraisal process begins with the self-assessment by the employee, along with the assessment by this employee’s supervisor. This is 45-Degree feedback. The assessment by a colleague (sideways) yields 90-Degree feedback, while additional upward assessment by subordinates produces 180-Degree feedback. The so-called 360-Degree feedback processes may include other employees in the organization who have been impacted by the employee’s performance as well as people outside the organization who are directly served by the employee or who benefit indirectly from their work.

Leadership Development: In What Directions Are We Moving? 

The following topics were the focus of an interview with two senior coaches and consultants in Singapore and Indonesia:  (1) what are the key challenges that leaders face where a leadership development program can make a difference, (2) who do you think should be involved in a leadership development program (and how might it differ, if at all, from a management development program), (3) what role (if any) should be played by various assessment tools in leadership development programs, and (4) what is the role played by coaching in helping to make a leadership development program something that has sustained results

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