Home Tools and Applications Leadership Coaching Section Three: Leadership Development and Coaching in Organizations

Section Three: Leadership Development and Coaching in Organizations

7 min read

A Comprehensive Perspective on Leadership Development

In promoting a systemic approach to leadership development that incorporates coaching services, we conclude this section of Curated 2020 (and bring this volume to a close) by offering an even broader perspective on ways to improve organization-wide performance. From this broader perspective, an organization is being viewed as a House of Culture.

Building the House of Culture: Leadership Development, Strategic Planning and Organizational Culture

Organizational cultures must be adaptable. Shifting organizational culture is possibly the most challenging kind of change any organization can undertake. The reason is that most organizations are better at changing the “hard stuff” (work processes, structures and systems) and less effective changing people’s hearts, minds and behaviors. This is more true in cases where organizations have a long history of success, where business processes have been deeply entrenched and where culture and behaviors have become deeply ingrained over decades. Often, organizations facing transformational change requiring a significant shift in culture adopt a fragmented approach – they focus on a few elements that they feel are necessary to shift culture, but don’t necessarily fully assess the link between the culture they have, their desired future culture needed to support and drive strategy execution. This essay introduces the concept of the “House of Culture” that describes the critical elements influencing organizational culture that are either enablers or obstacles to achieve strategy-culture alignment.



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