Home Tools and Applications Meetings & Conferences The Intentional Design of Stewardship: A Case Study

The Intentional Design of Stewardship: A Case Study

33 min read

Originating from the original ECSs, the Library of Professional Coaching (LPC) can publish proceedings from NECS and results from Survey Monkeys–as well as video recordings taken during the sessions and, in particular, the Zoom broadcast that will conclude the summit on Friday (April 29). LPC has already published the products of other summits and symposia – such as the article produced by participants in a symposium held in Istanbul, Turkey. This highly productive symposium was convened by the International Consortium for Coaching in Organizations (ICCO) (that originated like LPC from an early ECS). Here is a link to this often-accessed LPC document: https://libraryofprofessionalcoaching.com/applicationsuses/executive-coaching/coaching-high-potential-and-high-performance-clients/

LPC can not only publish individual articles but also produce compilations of documents—such as that found in The Future of Coaching. Topics such as coaching to the greater good, leadership development and coaching, coaching and certification, the history of coaching and the ethics of coaching have been or soon will be addressed in issues of The Future of Coaching. LPC also produces a yearly document, called Curated, that provides even more expansive compilation of essays and video recordings related to a specific professional coaching topic.

We anticipate that one of our future issues of The Future of Coaching and/or one of our annual Curated compilations to be published in LPC will be devoted to the outcomes of the NECS. Given that LPC has for many years been identified as one of the most important sources of information about professional coaching throughout the world, we can be assured that publications emanating from the NECS will received attention and will potentially influence the future direction of our field.

More immediately, those attending the NECS will influence one another and will bring their own new ideas and perspectives to the clients they serve as well as the other professional coaches with whom they interact (and whom they often mentor as senior practitioners in the field). Furthermore, those participating in the Friday Zoom call will be beneficiaries of the ideas generated and perspective shared at the NECS. Given that this Zoom session will be videotaped and placed (as a Vimeo document) in LPC, we can anticipate a quite broad and sustained impact of this Zoom session on the coaching community.

Put simply, the NECS is intended as an event that influences for the Greater Good. After all, isn’t this what stewardship is actually all about?

We hope you can join us for this wonderful event. Your participation will make a difference.

Bill, Suzi and Garry

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