Home Tools and Applications Personal & Life Coaching Those Huge “Life Difference-Makers”

Those Huge “Life Difference-Makers”

4 min read

Richard’s question made me aware of this and inspired me to consciously ask myself, “What is the lesson? What am I supposed to learn from this?” after an uncomfortable event.

And, like Mr. Rohn’s advice, this question has added hugely to my growth and effectiveness.

Oh, I still don’t always know the answer. In fact, I’m pretty sure most of the time I don’t, perhaps even when I think I do. But, the quest for understanding has been its own benefit. And, doesn’t wisdom begin when we begin to ask the right questions?

What do you think of the advice from Mr. Rohn and Mr. Bach? Is this wisdom you feel could make a difference to the lives of you and your clients, as well?

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One Comment

  1. Bob Burg

    August 13, 2015 at 9:11 am

    James, thank you so very much for your kind comment and recap about John David Mann’s and my book. Honored to know you found it to be of value!


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