The Case for Maturity

8 min read

We never evolve purely vertically to the next stage. Rather— the application of knowledge, skills, and behaviors (Horizontal Development) and the emotional, physical, and relational, and systemic shifts that both enable and result from those changes leads to shifts in how we see ourselves (Vertical Development). As we change and expand the way we see ourselves and respond to our world, we integrate the skills and behaviors of earlier stages so we can access those capabilities when needed.

My SVP client, for example, realized that she needed to get better at delegation in order to build team capacity as well as free her up to do the strategic work only she could do. She worked with tools such as Crucial Conversations and Crutial Accountability to develop those skills (Horizontal Development) and, as she became more effective at delegating, she experienced herself differently: less overwhelmed with putting out fires…and more able to reflect on strategic relationships and on how to manage dynamics at the top.

She noticed–and in turn, began to embody–a slower, more effective and responsive manner with others. That led to her team looking to her for a new level of guidance. Still authentic to her nature, she demonstrated an uncommonly grounded understanding of the many systems at play and willingness to consider multiple factors before making a decision.

She experienced getting the maturity thing right.

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