Home Concepts Schools of Coaching Appreciative Eight Ways to Deepen Appreciation through Coach-Based Consulting Questions

Eight Ways to Deepen Appreciation through Coach-Based Consulting Questions

6 min read

William Bergquist and Agnes Mura

 In our own work with coaching and consulting clients – and particularly when we engage our unique coach-based consulting process, it is very appropriate and often very effective to engage an appreciative perspective. Following are the appreciative questions we offer our clients. We follow this presentation of the eight questions with a brief review of our coach-based consulting process and the broader framework in which the eight set of questions reside.

  1. Understanding:

What do you know to be true about the major challenges you now face?

How do you know this is a true and realistic assessment?

  1. Valuing Another Point of View:

What might be a valid alternative way to describe the major challenges you now face?

What might be a valid alternative way to frame, provide focus and provide an interpretation regarding the major challenges you now face?

  1. Recognizing Contributions:

Who are the other people in your life that can be of greatest value in helping you meet the major challenges you now face?

What can they do that would be most helpful?

  1. Offering a Compelling Vision of the Future:

How would you like your life and work to be better than they are right now?

Why would this be an improvement?

What are you doing right now, that you are particularly proud or excited about? Looking at the “altars” in our lives – what is around you that matters?

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