We begin our investigation of generativity with child-rearing and project-building because of the lingering impact these early forms of mature caring have on our lives.
An international coach and consultant, professor in the fields of psychology, management and public administration, author of more than 50 books, and president of a global institution (PSP) that provides training, conducts research, and publishes books at the cutting edge of professional psychology. Dr. Bergquist consults on and writes about personal, group, organizational and societal transitions and transformations. In recent years, Bergquist has focused on the processes of organizational coaching and the field of health psychology. He is coauthor with Agnes Mura of coachbook and consultbook, co-founder of the Library of Professional Coaching and founder of the Library of Professional Psychology.
We begin our investigation of generativity with child-rearing and project-building because of the lingering impact these early forms of mature caring have on our lives.
What is required for someone to be generative? What do we need to engage in deep caring?
We propose that each of the four roles tends to be center stage at a specific time in our life.
A list of questions regarding information (current state), intentions (desired state) and ideas (how you get from current to desired state).
Written by Rachel Alexander and Julia Russell, “and the next question is . . .” contains more than 200 pages of questions that are numbered and sorted into particular categories (such as “obstacles to achievement” and “prioritizing”).
We express and experience generativity through the enactment of four different, though interrelated, deep caring roles.
William Bergquist and Gary Quehl [Note: The complete book (Caring Deeply: Engaging the Four Roles of Life-Fulfilling Generativity) is available for purchase. Use the following link: Caring Deeply.] Welcome to this digital magazine that addresses the important issue in our contemporary world about what “caring deeply” really means – and how an understanding of the caring process, in all of …
This seventh report concerns potential differences in responses to the Development of Coaches survey based on the type of work being done by professional coaches.
In this sixth study, we focus on the certification of professional coaches.
There do not appear to be any significant differences regarding any of the Development of Coaching questions as a function of age.
Janet Locane: Thanks...