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A Sample Chapter of Thriving Work: Resistance

9 min read

I have noticed with myself and my clients that committing to something – overcoming the fear of public speaking, moving to the mountains and/or growing a coaching business – and then becoming who we must become in order to speak in public, move to the mountains and/or grow the business, gives us a clear, strong sense of purpose and meaning.

For me personally, I’ve noticed it helps focus my excitement. One of my strong internal commitments right now involves telling the truth to the person in front of me – both about our glory and pow- er as divine creators and also about our outdated human habits that keep us small. How great is it that I can keep discerning and speaking that truth, even when I can’t control so many things in my life?

The spiritual bypass is a highly effective way to resist our good because we tell ourselves that we’ll wait to see what the Universe has in store for us or that it’s God’s will for us to remain small and still.

Don’t get stuck out on the spiritual bypass.

We are the Universe. We are made in the likeness and image of God. We need not wait or wonder. We are the One we have been waiting for.

Daily practice: identifying and moving through resistance

Moving through resistance involves faithfully doing what is un- comfortable and taking care of what needs to be taken care of. Do whatever is uncomfortable and tend to your sick child, over- come an obstacle and pay off your debt. It’s time to usher Resistance to the door. Show it the way out any time you hear yourself saying something like, “I just can’t right now because…”

Start to become aware of your favorite forms of resistance. Write them down, in all their colorful variations, on the following page. We begin with simple awareness and calling Resistance by its name instead of giving it the pet name ‘valid concerns.’ Once you do this, you are well on your way to moving through the resistance.

If you are not moving through resistance on your own, ask for help. With blind spot assistance and insights from a trusted friend, colleague or coach, begin to put strategies in place to move through the resistance.

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