Home Concepts Adult Development Coaching at the Generative Crossroads of Deep Caring

Coaching at the Generative Crossroads of Deep Caring

42 min read


What does all of this mean about the relationship between generativity and deep caring? What does it say about creation of conditions that lead to generativity and deep caring? What are the implications of what we written for those involved in the provision of professional coaching services? Stated simply, generativity is about expanding and extending our region of care. We expand this region by moving from a concern about our own family and special projects to a concern about people outside our family — in our organization, in our community and even in our world. This is expanding our region of care by an expansion of space. We also expand our region of care through a wider temporal concern. We look back and forward in time to preserve and propagate our core values and visions. A skilled and caring professional coach can assist us with this expansion.



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Cohler, Bertram, Andrew Hostetler and Andrew Boxer (1998) “Generativity, Social Context, and Lived Experience: Narratives of Gay Men in Middle Adulthood,” McAdams, Dan and Ed de St. Aubin (Ed.) (1998) Generativity and Adult Development.  Washington D. C.: American Psychological Association, pp. 265-309.

Erikson, Erik (1963) Childhood and Society. (2nd Ed.) New York: Norton.

Erikson, Erik, Joan Erikson and Helen Kivnick, (1986) Vital Involvement in Old Age. New York:  Norton.

McAdams, Dan, Holly Hart and Shadd Maruna (1998), “The Anatomy of Generativity” in McAdams, Dan and Ed de St. Aubin (Ed.) (1998) Generativity and Adult Development.  Washington D. C.: American Psychological Association, pp.7-43.

Orwell, George (2009) Shooting an Elephant. New York: Penguin.

Polak, Fred (1973) Image of the Future. Cambridge, CA: Elsevier Scientific Publications.

Quehl, Gary and William Bergquist (2012) The Sages among Us: Harnessing the Power of Civic Engagement. Grass Valley, CA: The Center for Nonprofit Leadership.

Scharmer, Otto (2009) Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

Seligman, Martin (1991) Learned Optimism. New York: Knopf.

Vaillant, George (2012) Triumphs of Experience. Cambridge MA: Belknap.





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