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Histories of the 50 Emerging Sage Leaders

13 min read

However, many emerging sages do see their career and life paths changing:

Oh, I see a different path. I see probably five or so more years here, and then it’s time for someone else. Not only may I have worn-out my welcome by saying “no” to too many people, but an organization benefits from having a change of leadership. So in the relatively near future, both I and the county organization will benefit from me moving on.

Yes. I will continue doing this, and it’s really important to feel I’m connected and giving back to the community. But I eventually want to return to art. It’s a piece of me that I’m somewhat able to fulfill doing design and illustration, but I want to go back to fine art. I’m about to have baby, so I’m not sure when I will get back to it. But someday I will.

I do see a different path, mainly due to continuing budget reductions in the funding agency that I head. The other day was graduation for the preschool in my building, which serves children with severe disabilities. I went in and started playing with the kids when a very small guy, who is a fighter, backed-up and put himself on my lap. The teacher said he didn’t do that with anyone, and she invited me to come back every day. When I think about my talents and strengths, I believe that my ability to connect with kids is number one, even though I don’t use it in the work I currently do. Looking back, I’ve thought my development has been a direct line, but it now feels much looser than that. I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m curious to see.

I’m probably moving more and more back into consulting again. I’ve learned so much from being with the health department, and I’d like to see myself helping other organizations with their planning. I can’t not be involved in community wellness. I’m working a lot in the disability field right now.

In the future, I see myself as a writer. This may mean making movies, or continuing more heavily in the project I started. I don’t know just what or when, but I am certain I will pull away from my civic engagements to make room for serious writing when the time comes.

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