Home Concepts Best Practices Coach the Human not the Culture

Coach the Human not the Culture

5 min read

Currently we have a global economy, global ecology and global science. Yet we are still doing politics as nation states. As well, it seems that often in the field of Professional Coaching, our limiting beliefs around regional culture differences, diversity and communication are tending to lead us down a path of fragmenting our beloved profession. Let’s not do this. Let’s not do coaching as nation states. Let’s not become segmented and limited in our understanding of what coaching can be. Let’s rather ensure that coaching is global by understanding the nature of ‘pure coaching’.

What is pure coaching?

Pure coaching is to simply show up with the conscious intention to relate, partner and be present with another remarkable human being who has put themselves forward to unleash their potential and grow themselves by being curious. Pure coaching is not about what you do, but who you are. This is universal and not country specific.

Pure coaching does not include consulting, facilitating, psychology, counselling, training, teaching, or whatever other related modality you have experience in. Pure coaching demonstrates the ICF’s Core Competencies and the ICF Code of Ethics, without role confusion.

Pure coaching has universal application, no matter where or with whom we practise. Pure coaches can coach anyone, on anything. Pure coaches believe in, and experience, the global-ness of being. Pure coaches don’t coach to different cultural assumptions – be these geographical or organisational. This is limited thinking that is not based on true connection, but rather, limited coaching experience and limited thinking.

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