We are all born with an internal guidance system that can seem magical. This guidance system speaks to us in a variety of ways and has access to additional information beyond what our conscious, rational mind can process.
What is this magical system? It’s known as intuition. Long thought of as a woman’s gift, smart men also trust their ‘gut feeling’ or ‘hunch.’ Can this skill be taught? Medical intuitive and author Caroline Myss, PhD, answers this way: “I can teach anyone to read music, but few people are Chopin.” In my experience, some clients are highly intuitive and others are just getting used to accessing this source of guidance. To access the guidance your intuition offers, you just have to learn how. It’s a skill that can be developed like working a muscle. Assessments (e.g. Myers Briggs, Profile XT™, etc.) show us that some people are more logically oriented and some are more intuitively oriented.
Intuition has been called our ‘sixth sense.’ We as coaches can assist our clients in recognizing and using this additional source of knowing.
This essay first appeared in choice magazine (vol. 9, no. 4). The complete essay can be downloaded by clicking download button below.
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