Home Concepts Communication “Face Your Strengths®” Methodology

“Face Your Strengths®” Methodology

8 min read

STAGE THREE – Effective Communication Profiling Strategy
(Internal & External)

When the Face Analysis and the Strengths Assessment has been completed, we partner with the coachee in order to build his/her communications strategy in setting and achieving their set goal through the appropriate communication techniques focusing on the development of his/her strengths.

The novelty of this methodology which is based on the overall dynamic analysis of both the external features of a human face and each person’s internal characteristics enables and empowers them in:
• Setting the right communication strategy according to their personality
by capitalizing on their internal & external strengths.
• Increasing their awareness of their personal communication style.
• Helping them to incorporate their top internal and external unique features.
• Identifying their personal strategies for developing communication intelligence.
• Discovering how to deal effectively with conflict situations
in cross-cultural encounters.
• Empowering their communication strategy towards the achievement of their goals.

Benefits of Partnering With Us

In an era of constant changes, instability and financial challenges, the need of effective communication and strong interpersonal relations is of utmost importance.

Our success or failure in any field of life hugely depends on our ability to communicate effectively and persuade people around us:
Professionally with our bosses, clients, colleagues or personnel.
In relations with our significant other.
In our family with our spouse and children.

People with the insight of instant behavioural pattern recognition are able to:
• Inspire
• Persuade
• Gain trust
• Succeed in their goals

Incorporating our services in your everyday life, will help you expand your insight on:
• What our face reveals about your personality.
• How your emotional state is communicated through your facial expressions and posture before even saying a word.
• How to use Physiognomy to effectively decode people’s behaviour and actions.
• How to comprehend what motivates each person to act the way they do.
• How to use your strengths to convey your messages in a compatible way to your personality.
• Leave a positive impression using communication secrets conformed to our unique personality traits.

How to build your personal image and brand Target Audience
• Executives expanding their toolset/success when working with individuals and teams with diverse communication backgrounds.
• Business leaders wanting to become more effective in identifying key personality features of their peers and build solid relationships with their teams.
• People who want to enhance their personal communication skills and impact either in the professional or social environment.


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One Comment

  1. Medha

    February 17, 2016 at 5:24 pm

    How to avail this coaching?


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