Human Mutuality System

17 min read

The Overview Effect of the Virtual Network Reality

The following principles are manifested when we take a broad perspective of the reality of life in the virtual network world:
⦁ Human superposition (8) – humanity is currently living simultaneously in both a real and a virtual world.

This is a double reality of life that exposes us to new horizons while at the same time challenges the existing order on every level of our existence. Humanity is challenged on the existential level – financial and physical; on the human level – personal and social; and on the ideological level – ethical and judicial.
In Humanity’s Global Era the empowering of human networks creates an unprecedented number of phenomena.

The reality of the global network – the information internet and additional internet configurations such as the Internet of Things and the Energy Internet – has transformed the world into a uniform network reality. Expanding our horizon to a ‘global horizon’ through the information internet, complemented by social networks, generates a network reality.

Network consciousness means comprehending the power, responsibility and obligations interwoven in the reality of the virtual network.
In the cyber world the Global Person accumulates power that until now had only been accessible to states and leaders and uses this power to influence the real world.

Access to professional and security information, global financial capability, and the ability to appeal to the masses through social networks are now in everyone’s hands. These leadership abilities, which throughout history have lain in the hands of country leaders, are now available to everyone.

A reality in which leadership powers are granted to everyone necessitates a new concept of social leadership – network leadership.

The Global Person lives in a network reality that combines his being at one and the same time a significant and powerful individual and part of the human collective.

Another superposition is that at the beginning of the 20th century humanity’s focus was on the collective and by the end of that century that focus had shifted to the individual. The 21st century began with a reality that integrated the individual and the collective as a uniform, complementary essence. Never before has humanity been so connected and so dependent on itself and at the same time never before has each individual been as powerful and significant as they are now.

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