Human Mutuality System

17 min read

The Individual

The self-empowerment of each individual is the empowerment of –

Inspiration – the basis of human will. Self-inspiration is the expression of a person’s overall will. A will combining the person’s strengths, abilities and feelings into a force acting to express his personality, values and beliefs.

Wisdom – the basis for understanding our own abilities and capabilities based on existing knowledge. Acknowledgement that allows practical translation into self-inspiration.

Commitment – to carry out self-inspiration and act upon it in reality.

The Collective

Creating a network collective based on network leadership. Leadership that is not based on a leadership of ‘one wise, knowledgeable person’, but a leader capable of generating leadership. Realizing the partners’ self-leadership and using it to create collective inspiration and the wisdom of the crowd.

Generating Leadership

An integrating leader

Meaning – action based on meaning allowing us to harness others to a shared path.

Sense of worthy – Recognition and Appreciation – only leadership that is capable of appreciating the value and contribution of each individual and connecting with them while esteeming their contribution, can generate the ‘collective inspiration’ and ‘wisdom of the crowds’ necessary for coping with the new and complex reality we live in.

Trust – the basis for cooperation between empowered people. Mutual trust, trust in the honesty of intention and mutual acknowledgement and appreciation.

Epilogue: It is important to note that this condensed article is intended as a general outline of the new consciousness and the possibility of transforming technological power into an empowering human reality. Each stage in this outline requires further explanation and in-depth research in order to generate a practical solution.

For further discussion see the book Humanity’s Global Era – A Dual Paradigm Change and other publications by the Humanity’s Global R&D Center.
1. Founder and Director Humanity’s Global Era Research Center
2. Further reading: HYPERLINK “”/
7.  Further reading  Yishai Shlomo 2015 Humanity’s Global Era – A Dual Paradigm Change, Publishing house Humanity’s Global Era Research Center
8. Further reading  Yishai Shlomo 2015 Humanity’s Global Era – A Dual Paradigm Change, Publishing house Humanity’s Global Era Research Center, P.124-131

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