While Fingal and D’Agata, as well as Ron Suskind and the White House Staffers do a nice job of exemplifying the Fact-oriented dichotomy between objectivism and constructivism, we have already noted that it is actually more complicated than this. Four different perspectives on the nature of Facts are available when one combines this dichotomy with the dimension of static vs. dynamic (see Table).
Four Perspectives on Facts
While these four perspectives are inherently of some interest to those who are involved with the field of epistemology (study of knowledge and Fact acquisition), they are also directly relevant to the matter of expertise. Expertise is concerned with how Facts are identified and revealed. Each of these four perspectives defines one’s approach to Facts in a quite different manner. These four perspectives do not simply involve different belief systems. They encompass different notions about the very nature of a belief system, and in this sense are profoundly different from one another.
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