Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Using a Coaching Approach for Effective Decision-making

Using a Coaching Approach for Effective Decision-making

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Active listening, asking thought-provoking questions, and noticing clues like body language and vocal tonality are all tools that a coach can use to locate the core of the problem. Summarizing and paraphrasing the information that clients provide can be very effective and can help their analysis. Noticing biases will help avoid blind spots before making a decision.

Overcome Psychological Biases

Psychological bias is the tendency to make irrational decisions without being aware of it. Biases are difficult to recognize and affect human behavior. When facing a decision, for example, people may pay more attention to information that supports their preconception and ignore the facts that go against it. Business Insider lists the top 20 biases that may affect decision-making.

The support a coach can provide during this stage is crucial because it usually takes external help to recognize biases and to introduce objectivity into the decision.

Make a Choice

After doing the analytical work and overcoming biases, the most rational solution will become evident—or at least a few viable options will emerge. A SWOT analysis can be helpful to evaluate each of the options by listing their strengths, weaknesses, threats and the opportunities they create.

Using a structured approach to decision-making will empower people to proceed with confidence and to make a rational choice. It is important, however, to stay flexible and to be able to re-evaluate the decision if needed. For example, new information may become available or the decision is not creating the desired results. Checking in with clients periodically after a decision is made can help them stay on track.

When it comes to decision-making, the successful coach’s goals are to facilitate productive discussion, ask the right questions, and help point out and overcome biases. The coaching process can present a big picture and a new perspective on the issue at hand. People and organizations can greatly benefit from working with a coach when facing a strategic decision.

This article was originally published on ICF Coaching World.

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