Home Concepts Employee Engagement & Motivation The Untapped Secret for Inspiring Employee Engagement

The Untapped Secret for Inspiring Employee Engagement

6 min read

What if I told you that you’ve been missing something in your leadership approach that can drive higher engagement and better results? Well there is, and I’m willing to bet that you’re not making the most of an advantage that’s right at your fingertips.

The Social Self and Identity Lab at Monmouth University’s Department of Psychology recently conducted a groundbreaking study of more than 4250 respondents to the Passion Profiler, a psychometric tool that codifies and measures individual passions. What’s most significant about the Monmouth study is the groundbreaking confirmation that it provides, not just about the importance of identifying and leveraging the passions of the people on your team, but also about the major role that reflection plays in building greater workplace affiliation and engagement. It turns out that the capacity for reflection that you and your team demonstrate directly correlates to the level of engagement the team is likely to experience.

Dr. Natalie Ciarocco, director of the Monmouth study, worked with her team to unpack the components of the Passion Profiler and identify those that relate to how leaders can inspire engagement in the workforce. The tool divides passions into 10 distinct “passion archetypes” that we all possess to great or lesser degrees. But it measures more, including how we express those passions at work; the degree to which we feel connected to our work and the organization we belong to (work affiliation and engagement); and the propensity that we demonstrate for thinking and reflecting in a contemplative way, about both personal and work-related experiences.

After a series of complex analyses, the research team specifically focused on the two forms of reflection measured by the Passion Profiler because some interesting patterns were emerging.

The first form, called reflective contemplation, is a measure of the degree to which respondents think about, reflect on and make meaning of experiences in their personal lives. This type of reflection is what helps us determine our values, define our convictions, and understand the roles we play in the relationships we share with others. In essence, “reflective contemplation” is the route by which we shape and develop who we are and how we present ourselves to the world around us.

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