Home Concepts Interpersonal Relationships Walk the Path of Tolerance

Walk the Path of Tolerance

2 min read

Imagine a world where everything is as we wish it to be, a world where everyone meets our standards, our idea of perfection, where people get our approval and do exactly what we want them to do.


How stimulating, exciting and practical is that?

Well, the reality is, it can’t happen

The world will continue to be a melting pot, people are different and same in

their own ways, everyday can bring something new.

Some things to delight us, some to shock.

Some we approve of, some we don’t

We know this

Yet we continue to crib, complain, criticize that “they” don’t get it.

That they are being stubborn, difficult, stuck in time, living in an ivory tower

That they are immature, irresponsible, stupid, egoistic, selfish

That they should wake up and smell the coffee……

We spend our precious time and energies debating, arguing, persuading

We scream, threaten, drop names, display illusionary, non existent authority

We use every trick known to us to get them to agree to our way of thinking

And we fail

We fail time and again and we just don’t get it

We get frustrated, angry, upset

Pound our heads on imaginary stone walls

Build up stress, lots of unwanted, unhealthy stress

And then we complain about that too later.

Do you agree?

Does it happen to you?

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