20. As you look back over your life what would you do differently?
Everything happens for a reason. It has all served me.
21. The three characteristics most often associated with sage leadership are unusual experience, sound judgment, and wisdom. What does having wisdom mean to you?
Wisdom is born of years of experience and the cultivation of compassion. It has to do with bringing to bear what we have learned from experience, but it also honors the development of everyone involved. Once again, it has to do with offering our gifts with humility rather than arrogance.
22. You probably know other individuals who have emerging sage leadership Talents and skills but are not currently involved in the public life of our community. Why do you believe they choose to be uninvolved? What might be done to encourage their involvement?
A lot of people haven’t thought much about how their talents and skills relate to public life. There is a false sense that community service is sacrifice, duty, or obligation. I guess we need to understand this attitude and learn how to turn it around.
23. One final question: It is often said that the quality of life in our community is highly attractive and unusual. Do you believe this to be true? (If yes): What are the three or four things about our community that you most value and make you want to continue living here?
YES. Everyone I have met loves being here. I’ve never been anywhere like this. What could be more attractive than everyone loving to live here? There are so many organizations that give back, and there is a way in which all the sectors are connected. There is a web here that makes you feel safe and want to give back.
24. Is there anything else you’d like to say or ask as we close?
Many thanks for your time and insights. This has been a great interview!
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