Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Community Engagement Sage Leadership Project: Vision, Purposes and Methodology

Sage Leadership Project: Vision, Purposes and Methodology

11 min read

A meeting was held with each of the two interview teams after all interviews were completed on December 10, 2010.  The project coordinator provided each team member a Theme Identification Report procedure to guide their review of answers to each interview question across all five of their interviews (including the earlier pilot interview with their team partner). Then in February, 2010, the project coordinator and senior project adviser led a half day video-recorded seminar for each of the two interview teams. Using their individual Theme Identification Reports, team members identified and discussed things learned from the 100 interviews that were germane to the project’s stated vision and purposes. Thereafter, the project coordinator and senior project adviser prepared a written draft of the Phase Two sage leader interview experience. The draft was reviewed by members of the two interview teams before the final narrative was completed.

Interview Questions

You have been identified by friends and colleagues as one of our community’s 100 top sage leaders. A sage leader is a person who brings unusual experience, sound judgment, and wisdom in working to advance the civic well-being of our community.  We thank you for participating in our interview process.

1. To begin, how many years have you lived in Nevada County, and where in the county do you reside?

2. Are you working, semi-retired, or retired…And how old you will be on your next birthday?

3. If you would, please share a bit about your personal history: where you grew-up; where you went to school and college; what organizations you have worked for and the positions you have held.

4. Is there a history of community service in your family background? If so, how would you describe it?

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