Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Community Engagement Senior Sage Leadership: Interview of Keith Porter

Senior Sage Leadership: Interview of Keith Porter

21 min read

Interview Conducted by Gary Quehl

[Note: This interview is one of 100 conducted in Nevada County, California by Gary Quehl and his colleagues. One half of the interviews were conducted with “senior sage leaders” (Keith Porter being one of these senior sage leaders). The other 50 interviews were conducted with “emerging sage leaders” in Nevada County. All of those who were interviewed are actively involved in the ongoing development of their community.]

1. To begin, Keith, how many years have you lived in Nevada County, and here in the county do you reside?

My parents bought property in Nevada County in 1950 when I was 8 years old. My family and I moved back to the same property permanently in 2004 and rebuilt the family home. So we have been back here the last 6 years as a permanent resident. We live one mile from Cedar Ridge between Cedar Ridge and Peardale.

2. Are you working, semi-retired, or retired? May I ask how old you are?

I am fully retired now and am 68.

Keith Porter3. If you would, please share a bit about your personal history: where you grew went to school and college; what organizations you have worked for and the positions you have held.

I was born and raised in LA (Whittier) until age 8, lived in Nevada County for 4 years, and went to Downieville High School in Sierra County. I attended the University of the Pacific and graduated in 1963 with a degree in electrical engineering. Later on, while a full-time employee, I completed a graduate certificate program at USC in telecommunications management and some graduate work towards a masters degree, which I did not complete.

After college I started working for Pacific Telephone and its related successor companies (AT&T, Pacific Bell, Pacific Telesis) until I retired in 1990 with a favorable early retirement incentive plan. Then I did fulltime consulting for several years.

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