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5 Recruitment Trends in the Digital Age

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Many professionals turn to social media, professional network sites and groups, and use their androids during their job search. Consequently, many organizations are stepping up with technology and innovation by making the job application process more compatible with the digital age. When looking at long term recruitment strategy, building talent pipelines and nurturing talent – focus on these 5 trends which will shape and influence the future of recruitment and the workplace:

1. Multi – Generational Workforce – For the first time in history there will be 5 generations working side by side in the workplace, namely iGen (generation Z), Millennial (generation Y), Generation X, Baby boomers and Traditionalists. The accelerated generations (millennial and iGen) will be re-writing the work rules and re-shaping the career-sphere with generation Y already assuming roles throughout all echelons of society as well as taking entrepreneurship to a whole new level. Generation Z and millennial respond differently to recruitment and expect you to communicate with them via technology. Stress and panic can be avoided provided that recruiters and talent acquisition managers refine recruitment strategy, marketing and workforce planning to incorporate a multi-generational workforce.

2. Integrating into the Online Culture – Over the last decade more and more individuals have taken to doing applications online and the internet is no longer a phenomenon but more of a necessity. Professionals, regardless of whether you’re a millennial or baby boomer are turning to their smart-mobiles for job searches due the convenience and efficiency from this method. Print advertising and job boards are eroding and already regarded as antiquated and losing out to online advertising due to the cost effectiveness of internet access. It is far easier for candidates to use their smart-mobiles during their job search than to reply to a print advertisement. Recruitment marketing needs to be created with this in mind.

3. Bridging Talent Gaps – Globally there is a huge demand for sales talent roles in organizations regardless of industry, this is most likely because sales roles drive business and profit into the present and future. Often enough it is these roles that have the highest rate of turnover with high hiring costs attached to it. So what is the recruitment, selection and promotion driver based on? Sourcing and accessing the right tools can positively impact cost per hire and bridge talent gaps. Additionally, focusing on employee engagement, forming a support structure such as a mentorship program or even holding networking events ensures that existing talent is happy, productive and grows.

4. Using Talent Analytics and Big Data – “BigData” tells the story but we’ve got to be able to listen. These metrics are essential drivers in decision making in human capital because people analytics and data go hand in hand. Talent analytics and data can identify current talent gaps and predict future ones, measure campaign performance, reduce rate of attrition, build and attract quality candidate pipelines, etc. More recruiters and hiring managers need to start using analytics to see where they are today with strategy and where they can be tomorrow based on the trends in the data.

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