Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Women Ways for Females to Cope with Diversity in the Workplace

Ways for Females to Cope with Diversity in the Workplace

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The most progressive companies are promoting gender and diversity intelligence because it can transform an individual, a group as well as an entire organization. An inclusive environment provides a platform for men and women to effectively lead together and be given equal opportunities. Let’s explore a few types of diversity that can affect women during their career and how to move forward:

1. Age Diversity – For the first time in history there are 5 different generations in the workplace. More organizations are recruiting a diverse workforce because this is one of the best ways to manifest a full potential of the workforce, to improve financial performance as well as the image of the company. Female employees need to use this to their advantage; you’re never too young or old for anything career related. For e.g. Generation X are generally very knowledgeable and experienced, and Generation Y and Z lean more towards strong digital competencies hence both generations can bridge the gaps in knowledge and digital competencies by creating an environment of working together and learning from each other. Female leaders can inculcate an environment of learning and sharing by introducing mentorship programs to bridge the age barrier.

2. Gender Diversity – This type of diversity impacts both genders and not just women. Men and women are different in many ways as leaders, for e.g. men use tasks to connect and women connect by relationships; women use emotions to make decisions whereas men use logic. By addressing the unconscious bias, we can encourage men and women to practice open communication, hence increasing a deeper level of understanding between both genders. Once an awareness around gender diversity has been created men will more readily support women in reaching their full potential and women need to be open to receiving this support.

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