Home Concepts Managing Stress & Challenges Ignoring the Personal Stress of a Key Executive Could Cost You Millions

Ignoring the Personal Stress of a Key Executive Could Cost You Millions

21 min read

Soft Costs of Brain Drain Include:

• Undue stress stifles clear thinking, creativity, innovation and being on the alert for new ideas

• The ability to influence others diminishes

• Productivity suffers

• Long-range perspective suffers

• Projects fall short

• Resilience is compromised

• The ability to tolerate ambiguity goes down

• Risk taking is compromised

• The norm becomes maintaining the status quo

• Deadlines get missed

• Decisions are delayed or not made

• Initiative goes down

• There is less collaboration

• Things are not done to the expected level of excellence

• Progress isn’t as fast or effective as it could be

• Communication breaks down

• Trust breaks down

• Team dysfunction occurs

• Revenue sources are lost when the executive takes the client base.

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  1. Brent Green

    October 3, 2018 at 1:18 am

    What Harvard and Yale documentation can you provide? Thanks


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