Home Concepts Organizational Theory Coaching to Shift Corporate Consciousness

Coaching to Shift Corporate Consciousness

4 min read


In a recent Fast Company article “Why Millennials Don’t Want to Buy Stuff,” the author states that Humanity is experiencing an evolution in consciousness. We are starting to think differently about what it means to ‘own’ something.”

Technology is facilitating this evolution, and new generations are championing it and “the big push behind it all is our thinking is changing.”

So how is our thinking changing, from what and to what? What is driving this supposed evolutionary shift and what can we do as coaches to align to it?

In our interconnected world, we can find practically anything we want, at any time, through the “unending flea market of the Internet.”  This is altering the balance between supply and demand and is overwhelming us with choices—people’s concept of value and their motivations for purchasing are constantly shifting.

This is causing organizations to not only redefine what value means in the eyes of their customers and potential users, but also to find new ways of connecting our clients as to how their product or service can:

  • Make people’s lives better.
  • Connect people to a broader community.
  • Connect people to something bigger than themselves.

Doing this enables us to explore new ways of helping our clients to better ignite people’s motivations for purchase.

This requires us to help our clients create:

  • Sharp deviations from conventional thinking, planning and development processes for new products and services so that they create the real value customers and potential users are seeking.
  • Major disruptions to how they see, attend to and connect with the whole so that they know how to generate creative ideas and innovative solutions that solve customers, business and society’s most inherent and wicked problems.

Perhaps the first key step is to work on attending to and evolving our own consciousness because to solve a problem, we need to shift from the same consciousness that created it.

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