I am reminded of a quotation from one of the major multiplicity writers of the 1960s: Phillip K. Dick. As author of books that led to movies such as Blade Runner and The Matrix, and a disturbing Television series about multiple realities (Man in the High Castle), Dick wrote:
What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of it. And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.
If Dick is right about the world in which we live, then the land of Gamma might not be far removed from the world in which we now live. Certainly, to live in Gamma we must be guided in some sense by our own internal compass. Internal locus of control is essential. Yet, we are also living in a world that insists on being real and that we must carefully (and perhaps artfully) negotiate.
We can’t simply dope up our self as Alphanians have done with drugs or indifference. We must be engaged in our world and fight for justice and equality. The demands of life require us to embrace an external locus of control along with an internal locus: we must pay attention to the ways in which our external world impacts our head, heart and soul—for (as Dick suggests) the external world and those in power can create whole universes of the mind,
What about my conclusions regarding the white-water status of Gamma? I see nothing but chaos—that complex fourth subsystem that resides between the other three sub-systems. This is the subsystem where the leaf is twirling in an unpredictable manner under the influence of several different and competing currents of water. At times, it might even seem that Gamma will look like swirling and plunging Category Four or Category Five rapids: very difficult to navigate on a raft without the guidance of an experienced rafting guide. I visited Gamma on a rather calm day. I could imagine on other days, when there is heightened anxiety or a rogue event, the land of Gamma could get quite treacherous and we would need that skillful and experienced river guide to help us. Perhaps an experienced coach or consultant could be hired.
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