Home Concepts Schools of Coaching Appreciative The Book Shelf: Matt Driver, Coaching Positively

The Book Shelf: Matt Driver, Coaching Positively

4 min read

Each Chapter ends with a conclusion, which gives food for thought. On page 94 the author concludes: “For many of us, it confirms things we have learned from practice. But I still find it useful at times to go back to the beginning and ‘re-learn’ something rather than merely try to map new information onto what I have already learnt. I recommend this practice to experienced coaches as well as trainees because it is easy to become complacent and complacency undermines a coach’s professionalism.”

Coaching Positively by Matt Driver, is part of a series called “Coaching in Practice”. Other titles are:

  • Hayes: NLP Coaching
  • Bluckert: Psychological Dimensions of Executive Coaching
  • Vaughan Smith: Therapist into Coach

While reading this book, we became more aware that coaching can be used in therapy sessions and practices. Coaching skills are used in a wide range of situations, connected with what we are doing. Many professions such as doctors with their patients, teachers with their students, parents with their children, and psychotherapists with their clients can use coaching in their practices. The message in coaching and other related fields such as psychotherapy is similar. The message is to build people’s resourcefulness and positive beliefs about themselves. Through coaching, therapists can help the clients to see the options needed in order to do their best in life. Positive psychology is cited in this book as a major contributor to the field of coaching. Positive psychology also is aligned with such therapeutic topics as strengths, mindset, resilience, positive emotions, relationship, and personal growth. These topics are all seen as part of the client’s life and as approach venues for therapeutic exploration as well as coaching reflection.

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