Home Concepts Strategy Coaching with Groups and Teams Section Two: Leadership Styles and Journey of Groups to Teams

Section Two: Leadership Styles and Journey of Groups to Teams

4 min read

In this second section of Curated 2020, six essays are offered that focus on specific models of leadership and group development that address the complex, unpredictable and turbulent challenges faced by contemporary organizations around the world.

It is proposed by one of us [WB], as co-editor of this Curated 2020 volume, that no one leadership style is best and that there are strengths associated with three primary styles, as well as strengths associated with various blends of these three styles. The metaphor of color is used in describing (and hopefully making memorable) each of these primary and blended styles. That is why this model is titled: The Leadership Spectrum. It is also proposed that groups journey through multiple stages while journeying to becoming teams. Styles of leadership and stages of group development are closely intertwined.

The Leadership Spectrum: Basic Framework

The first two essays in this section provide the foundation for the Leadership Style model. The third document offers a description of the Leadership Spectrum that is delivered as a brief 30-minute video-recorded lecture.

The Leadership Spectrum: I. Three Primary Perspectives and Practices

This first essay presents a model of leadership styles that addresses the complex, unpredictable and turbulent challenges faced by contemporary organizations around the world. It is proposed that no one leadership style is best and that there are strengths associated with three primary styles, as well as strengths associated with various blends of these three styles. The metaphor of color is offered in describing each of these primary styles. That is why this model is titled The Leadership Spectrum.

The Leadership Spectrum: II. Blended Perspectives and Practices

The first essay described the “pure” versions of each leadership style. What about those leaders who want to “mix it up” with other people and seek to engage in collaborative leadership, generating ideas, intentions and information through discussion and dialogue? And what about those leaders who choose to use all three leadership styles and even to find a way in which to integrate all three? Four styles of leadership are described that blend two or all three primary styles of The Leadership Spectrum.

The Leadership Spectrum III: Summary Description

The third essay provides a summary description of The Leadership Spectrum in a different format. A 30-minute lecture has been recorded as a video document and presented with a few summary points offered in writing following the lecture.

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