Home Concepts Strategy Future of Coaching Coaching to Contradictions

Coaching to Contradictions

3 min read

The final two essays (Six and Seven) are a bit more fanciful. They provide both a summary of the points made in the other five essays and a graphic portrayal of what our world might look like with the interplay of several different conditions of contradiction and irony. Borrowing from Gulliver’s Travels, the author imagines journeying into four different lands (alpha, beta, gamma, delta). He provides a set of lessons that might be learned from this brief journey through each of the four lands.

Journey to Irony I: The Lands of Alpha and Beta

Journey to Irony II: The Lands of Gamma and Delta

We trust that you will find these essays to be of value as they build on one another (one of the advantages of occasionally published an issue of The Future of Coaching that contains the work of a single author). In future issues we would like to offer the work of other theorists and practitioners in the field of professional coaching.

William Bergquist
William Carrier
The Future of Coaching

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