Home Concepts Strategy Future of Coaching Supervision of Coaches in Europe: Situation and Trends

Supervision of Coaches in Europe: Situation and Trends

13 min read

In 2011 a Steering Committee (ECVision) was formed with representatives from VHS GmbH, ANSE, and EUROCADRES to apply to the Leonardo programme “Development of Innovation”.

The ECVision project was selected by the European Commission in 2012 in order to develop a European System of Comparability and Validation of Supervisory Competences.  This system contains several products already published, especially:
A glossary of Supervision and coaching,
A competence framework of Supervision and Coaching using the EQF principles and consisting in 24 competences. It is focused on interaction of persons, professional tasks and organisations.
A competence validation system using ECTS and ECVET.

The existence of such a competence framework compliant with the European Union strategy and programmes would normally be a revolution. However, except ANSE, the European bodies (EMCC, ICF, AC, AOCS, APECS) have not yet decided what to do with this piece of excellent work done by ECVision. At the same time several international companies and institutions are extremely happy to include in their tenders the coaching and supervision competences related to leadership and organisation understanding.

How this will evolve?

“How many divisions does the Pope of Rome have?” We are back to this analogy with the situation of supervision in Europe: the future will rely upon the alliances that the different players will make.

The question of diversity will be a central factor that will allow progress or slow it down.  Also the question of identity will be raised as well as the resistance of the population of “Against”.

We can imagine three scenarios.

Scenario 1: The market will not put pressure on associations.

The current understanding of what is supervision by the users and sponsors of coaching is quite limited. Very few large companies are asking questions about the person who supervises their coaches. Consequently the associations will not put the issue of supervision on the top of their priority list. Alliances will be limited and even those in place like GCMA (Global Coaching and Mentoring Alliance, formed in 2012 with EMCC, ICF and AC) will work at a very quiet pace.

Scenario 2: Alliance between the largest bodies

The four large bodies will agree that they should use the ECVision framework as much as they can. This will help to make clear their different identities. The small associations will follow, completely or partially.

Scenario 3: Governments like the ECVision framework

The concept of comparability might be a strong incentive for governments that want to have some control on the coaching industry. In this case the use of a common and EU stamped framework is a logical decision. Universities and public institutions will have no choice.

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