Home Leading Coaches Center Case Study from Myron Partnership in Scotland

Case Study from Myron Partnership in Scotland

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Case Study:  Working in a Large Public Sector Organisation in Scotland

Contributed by Andrew Boddice

Executive Summary
We took on a short 12-week assignment with this Public Sector Organisation in January 2010. The quality of our input resulted in our working with them for virtually 12 months ending in January 2011.

The scope of our work was to act as ‘business managers’ in support of a very specialist, highly effective, very busy team of five people, looking at areas of efficiency gain, effectiveness, project management, strategy delivery, process, back-office systems and administration alignment, and business apportionment.

During our time in this Public Sector Organisation we had the opportunity to observe how the Directorate and Divisional organisation operated as a whole during a period allocated as one of major restructuring and reshaping to meet significant budget cuts between 2011 and 2014/15.

We took the opportunity to observe leadership and management styles, their effectiveness and how the multiple teams and individuals responded to the workload and restructuring. Our observations refer to the Division.

Officials are Civil or Public Servants

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