Home Tools and Applications Team Coaching Team Coaching: Are We Aiming High Enough?

Team Coaching: Are We Aiming High Enough?

6 min read

What makes high functioning teams? This a fundamental question when it comes to coaching teams. To answer this, we first need to recognize what we are dealing with at a very basic level: human beings who have come together from varied walks of life to form a relationship system. A system of interacting and interconnected experiences, families of origin, unique skills, hopes and dreams.

Significant inherent complexity is at play and all in one place—the team. It is no surprise then that high functioning teams tend to be the exception to the norm. So, what enables a high functioning team? That very much depends on what you are aiming for and the standards by which you judge it.

High Functioning Teams Defined

This article proposes that a high functioning team is one that allows its members to connect with their calling in working towards a common purpose. One that embraces the inherent creativity and uniqueness that defines what it means to be human. One that acknowledges the complexity that is created by different individuals coming together (and moving apart) over time.

Out of the above will naturally emerge all the things that are commonly desired in teams: collaboration, innovation, agility and performance.

A team is a complex relationship system

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