Home Leading Coaches Center Kindred Spirits Roundtable – What Happened On the Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call?

Kindred Spirits Roundtable – What Happened On the Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call?

7 min read

Did you miss the last Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call?  Want to know what happened?

Leading Coach and Leading Coaches’ Academy Faculty Charles Smith, PhD., transformational coach to CEOs for over 40 years and author of multiple books on innovation and sustainable transformation, guided our conversation about the impact of energy on predicable business results.  It  was a mesmerizing call, and of course, you can access the recording if you’re a member of the Leading Coaches’ Clubhouse!

For those on the call who really engaged in and enjoyed the conversation, there is an opportunity for more!

Kindred Spirit Roundtable – A unique group coaching mastermind experience with Charlie Smith, Ph.D.

A Kindred Spirit is someone who is like-minded to you.

In our case, we are further defining Kindred Spirits as:

*Possibility People
*Those who see the physical world and the relational world at the same time
*Abstract thinkers
*Both values-driven AND money-driven
*Honor your word

Are you a Kindred Spirit?

Join us for 8 sessions from April 30 to August 20

Details below

Don’t miss the next Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call on May 6 at noon with Leading Coach Carol Goldsmith about ROX…Return on Experience! Make sure you’re a member of the Leading Coaches’ Center to get the details.

Exciting new opportunity for you!!!!

If you were on the call with Charlie Smith last week (scroll down for information about how to access that recording), you heard him talk about Kindred Spirits. Several folks on the call declared yourselves to be Kindred Spirits.  There was a lot of energy for that, and as a result, Charlie and I are pleased to offer you the following:

Kindred Spirit Roundtable – A unique group coaching mastermind experience with Charlie Smith, Ph.D.

Charlie not only coaches CEOs and has been doing this work for 40 years, but he brings a visionary mastery to every conversation, as those on last week’s call experienced.

Join him for a series of 8 group calls, one-hour and a quarter each, over 4 months.

Bring your current challenges, coaching client case studies, sticky situations, and any business growth issues you want to grapple with on these 8 calls with Charlie. It will be an intimate group — there are only 9 spots available so if this resonates for you, please let us know immediately so we can save you a spot!

Time of calls      3:00PM EST/ noon Pacific

Dates of calls:

April 30
May 14
May 28
June 11
June 18
July 9
August 6
August 20

Cost:  $1000
(If you were to hire Charlie as your coach, you’d pay $6800 for 8 hours of coaching with him.  In an exclusive deal for our Leading Coaches’ Center, Charlie has generously offered this roundtable coaching format for $1000 per person.  Where else can you get 8 sessions of supreme master coaching for $1000?)

TO SIGN UP NOW: Send an email to suzi@leadingcoachescenter.com indicating if you prefer to pay by Paypal, credit card, or check so we can complete your registration accordingly.

Mastermind Call Debrief!

We had about 44 people sign up for the first Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call on 3/24 and Charlie Smith was AMAZING! Here are a couple of the unsolicited emails from attendees:

“This is amazing! He is amazing! This conversation is amazing.” ~ Wendy Capland

“Great call today. Congrats on a great conversation today. I would have chimed in–especially when neuroscience and Gestalt came up–but my phone kept cutting out. Anyway, I too would like to join the Kindred Spirit Club.” ~ Carol Goldsmith

Get the Recording

You can access the recording of that call on the Leader’s Clubhouse under Mastermind Live, although membership in the Clubhouse is required.  But shhhhhh….don’t tell anyone, I’m giving you a secret code you can use when you sign up for the Leaders’ Clubhouse that will allow you access to everything in there for FREE for one month, but then it will charge your credit card each month after that until you cancel your membership.  Of course, getting in at the ground level for the charter member fee is a real deal, since you can belong at that rate for life, even when the membership fees go up once we officially launch.

Here’s the link to join: Join As A Charter Member

Here’s the secret code to enter in the box that says “coupon code”:  SP2009

Here’s the link to the recording from the Mastermind Call with Charlie:  DOWNLOAD OR LISTEN HERE

Once you’re in the Leader’s Clubhouse, you can also access Charlie’s Faculty page in the Leading Coaches’ Academy and learn more about all the cool stuff he spoke about on the call!



Charles E. Smith Ph.D., Managing Director: Navigating from the Future

Charles E. Smith, PhD has been an executive coach and organizational development consultant to senior leaders of companies, associations, and government agencies in the United States, England, Canada, and now China, since 1969.  He is also author of  The Merlin Factor:  Keys to the Corporate Kingdom & numerous magazine & blog articles.

Charlie Smith and Navigating from the Future are Leadership Consultants, CEO and Executive Coaches, Transformational Trainers, Mediators, Political and Policy Analysts, Public Speakers, Authors and Media Specialists.

We are about transforming the world toward both Noble Purpose and Business Success. This is a world that is productive, innovative, has quality of life for everyone by their own standards, and seeks peace with Justice….. in corporations, government agencies, communities, smart cities, non profit organizations and between nations.

We Operate Globally to Invent, Ignite & Implement Breakthrough Innovation and Sustainable Transformation expressed primarily through these programs:

  • CEO and Senior Executive Coaching with Fortune 500 CEO’s, Senior Military Officers and Executives from many countries in corporations, in government and in consulting companies.
  • The Overview Experience (a three-day program).  The Overview Experience is designed to produce lasting changes in your relationship to yourself, your organization, and to the planet.
  • The Breakthrough Innovation Program.  Participants learn principles and practices of Breakthrough Innovation and apply them to their Innovation Agenda, own challenges, commitments, and concerns.


DTE Energy, Ernst and Young, U.K. Ministry of Defence, AT Kearney, Land Rover Ltd, Perkins Engines Ltd, Campbell Soup of Canada, The Rouse Company, Marion Merrell Dow,Inc.,BakeMark Ltd, Damovo Ltd, Merck & Company, Derlan Industries, International Nickel Company, Steinberg, Inc., Canadian Liquid Air, The Toronto Globe and Mail, The Environmental Protection Agency, The US Air Force, UK Ministry of Defense, Michigan Consolidated Gas Company, Olin Paper, The Southwest Electricity Board, The National Wholesale Druggist Association, The Industrial Distribution Association, Procter and Gamble, Eastern Michigan University, , IBM, Cunard-Ellerman Ltd



Dr. Smith has served on Boards of Directors for the Foundation for Mid-East Communication and the National Peace Institute Foundation. He helped create the Middle Road Foundation for Native American Youth in Taos, NM and is a past President of the Harvard-Racliffe Club of New Mexico. He is currently on the Board of Directors of ATWG (the Aerospace Technology Working Group).


Associate Prof. of Organizational Behavior Sir George Williams University

The McGill Centre for Management Education

PUBLICATIONSBooksSmith, Charles E. Navigating from the Future; a Primer for Sustainable Transformation; Create Space Publishing 2009

Smith, Charles E. The Merlin Factor: Keys to the Corporate Kingdom. Kairos Productions, (U.S.) Gower Publishing (England): 1995.

Book Chapters

Smith, Charles E., “Stage Three Leadership: From Good Ideas to Unified Action.”  Beyond Earth: The Future of Humans in Space Apogee Books Space Series ed. Bob Krone, 2006.

Journal Articles

Smith, Charles E, “The Merlin Factor: Leadership and Strategic Intent.” London Business School Strategy Review, Vol 5 (1), pp. 67-84. 1994.

Smith, Charles E.,“King’s Counsel”. London Business School Strategy Review, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 78-80, Autumn 2007.

Privately-Published Articles

Smith, Charles E., Duprey, Donald. “Possibility Deficit Disorder.” October 2009.

Smith, Charles E., Griffiths, Mike. “Board Dialogue as a Source of Competitive Advantage”. 2004.
Smith, Charles E., “Who Stole My Synergy? Synergy Management for Mergers that Work”. 2000.

Smith, Charles, E., “Why Things Work – The Merlin Navigator”. XONITEK Corporation Operational Excellence By Design (online) September 2009


Ph.D., Organizational Behavior, Case Western Reserve University

M.B.A., Harvard Business School

A.B., Harvard College

Certificate in Gestalt Methods, The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland

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