Home Leading Coaches Center Carol Goldsmith Return on Experience (ROX) on Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call [Recording]

Carol Goldsmith Return on Experience (ROX) on Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call [Recording]

4 min read

Hear the featured Leading Coach: The Discovery Coach, Carol Goldsmith, talk about her coaching model called Return on Experience (ROX). Carol told us that the model is infused with NLP, and one memorable quote was when she described how her client, Ashley, used the ROX model to turn her FEAR (false evidence appearing real) into DEAR (direct experience accomplishes results).

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Return on Experience (ROX): How to Turn Past Performance into Future Success

Conventional wisdom says that change is hard. Experiential wisdom proves otherwise. In fact, clients don’t even need to change old patterns to achieve new results. They just need to choose a more useful pattern from their vast behavioral repertoire.

When they do, they achieve what our speaker calls a positive Return on Experience (ROX)™.

Join us as Carol Goldsmith, The Discovery Coach, shares this powerful peak performance coaching tool. The Return on Experience (ROX) model has helped clients on four continents break through a range of long-standing issues-from procrastination to fear of public speaking-in a matter of minutes. Leading Coaches Center members get to experience the ROX model before the release of Carol’s new book.

You will discover:
· How success leaves clues in the body
· The 6 types of successes anyone can tap
· Three Magic Questions that unleash the power of experience
· How to turn tacit experiences into tangible strategies for success

The ROX model is based on five coaching questions and principles, each leading to a higher-level of Return on Experience.

Once you’ve defined success using The Intelligent Outcome model, answer the following questions:


Question: “When have I experienced that?”
Principle: All experience is present experience. Every success in a person’s life is present in their central nervous system, and accessible in the present moment (which, after all, is the only moment there is).
Process: Tap into the first experience that comes to mind, and fully relive it now.  See what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel your personal power again. Memorize that empowering state so that you can tap into it on demand.
Return on Experience at ROX 1: Self-Empowerment


Question: “How did I do that?”
Principle: Experience contains the clues to success. Just as movie scenes have structure, so do your direct experiences. Relieve your experience from ROX 1 again and pay attention to the sequence of sights, sounds, thoughts, and physical sensations as they occur.
Process: Translate your experience into a step-by-step process.  Pretend that you are describing a movie scene to a friend. Write down what you did, thought, and felt in that experience in 6 or fewer steps. This is your proven “success process.”
Return on Experience at ROX 2: Self-Knowledge


Question: “How can I apply that knowledge now?”
Principle: Success is versatile.  The success process that worked  before can work again in a variety of different contexts.
Process: Transfer your knowledge from ROX 2 to the current situation. Devise an action plan that takes advantage of the strengths, skills, and steps that you know from direct experience work.
Return on Experience at ROX 3: Mindful Action


Question: “What results am I getting?”
Principle: Success is a practice. It results from taking action, comparing what you want with what you’re getting, and adjusting course until you succeed.
Process: Transform results by continuing to take mindful action. You can revisit any part of the ROX or Intelligent Outcome models to change your objective, access a new experience, or mine the experience from ROX 1 for additional clues.
Return on Experience at ROX 4: Desired Results


Question: “How can I help others succeed?”
Principle: Success inspires success. Now that you have used the ROX model as a self-coaching tool, you can use it in a coaching role to help other people increase their Return on Experience.
Process: Transfer the ROX model by asking others the questions that you  have learned to ask yourself.
Return on Experience at ROX 5: Leadership

The ROX model is described in Carol’s forthcoming book, Return on Experience: Turning Past Performance into Future Success.

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